Hand Washing Police
One of the things I don't like about working in an office is the lack of privacy.
You can't even go to the bathroom without being watched. It's bad enough having to share a toilet with other employees, even if they are women. It's altogether another thing to be lectured about personal hygiene.
An anonymous self-proclaimed protector of public hygiene and member of the Hand Washing Police, aka Toilet Patrol, who had seen women leaving the restroom without washing their hands posted a notice inside the restroom door:
"Wash Your Hands After Using the Restroom. Thoroughly rinse your hands with running water for 20 seconds."
Okay, I don't want some slob with hands carrying e.coli germs to touch my keyboard or mouse. But spare me from the tyranny of some OCD case who washes her hands 100 times a day.
I asked the other women in my department about the notice and learned that it was posted only in two of the restrooms in the entire building. We speculated that the perpetrator was most likely someone who worked on the same floor as the restrooms. So we blamed the Human Resources department.
Immediately we plotted to retaliate by defacing the notice, such as smudging it with dirty hands after changing the copier toner cartridge. No one wanted to think about the other alternative, which would require using the notice as toilet paper and flushing it down the toilet.
After a few days of loud protests, the notices vanished and we felt vindicated!
Labels: employees, Human Resources, privacy