Monday, July 11, 2005

Under Employment

Just read in the newspaper that the national unemployment rate is going down. Must be all those minimum wage jobs being filled by high school and college students.

Recently, I applied for a job as an experienced editor for a market research firm. The interviewer, who sounded like she must have been 100 years old, called me and asked repeatedly if I was a student looking for summer work. I must have said no five times. She kept stressing how they wanted someone to be available to work about 30 hours a week, sometimes less. The more she talked, the more she reminded me of a cranky English teacher who I had in high school. It turned out that the job paid $8.50 per hour, no benefits.

Me: "I'm sorry but I'm not interested in a job that is less than 30 hours a week and pays starvation wages at that. I make more money getting unemployment compensation. "

Her: "Well, I'm sure a retired person might be interested in working a few hours a week."

Me: "Fine, then advertise in Modern Maturity."

Hey, I don't think a retired person would work under those conditions. Can you imagine working 40 years and putting up with a bunch of crap, only to retire so you could work at this pathetic job?

If there was ever a job that should be sent overseas, this one is it.


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