Saturday, June 11, 2005

Survival Tactics for the Unemployed

I've been trying to get myself motivated to look for a job lately.

After all, one can't live on unemployment compensation. (Well, maybe if you're homeless or living out of your car.) When I was in my 20's, I could get by on unemployment because I shared an apartment and didn't even own a car.

Now that I'm in my 50's, life is a lot more, taxes, etc. I don't have car payments because I've been driving the same car for 15 years. Runs fine, looks like hell with the paint peeling off. At least I don't have to worry about fender benders. The interior still is pretty nice so I guess I could live in the car if I had to (only kidding!)

You'd be surprised, though, how you can get by on the cheap when you're not working. Here are some suggestions:

1. Save money on lunches. If you went out to lunch every day when you were working, just think about the money you save because now you can have lunch at home. That is, assuming you have food at home. But if you miss going out to lunch, you can always cruise the supermarkets for free samples. Really! On one visit alone, I sampled oranges in the produce department (made several trips to get enough pieces for one serving size). Tasted little pizza squares offered by an elderly woman making minimum wage. (Hey, there's a job!) Nibbled some pastry samples from the bakery. Sometimes you can get little scoops of ice cream. Hit enough supermarkets and you're set for the day.

2. Save money on gas. We all know that gas prices are at an all time high. Commuting to work could take a couple of tanks a week if you're driving a SUV (as if you really needed one of these gas hogs). No job, no commuting. Of course, you still need to buy some gas for cruising supermarkets. This is where you can use one of the dozen credit cards that you haven't maxed out. Find the "cheapest" station in town, fill up a half a tank and charge it. Gas prices go up and down every week so there's no need to blow your whole gas allowance on a tankful of the highest priced unleaded.

Another way you can save money on gas is to mow your lawn once a month. I mean, what person in his right mind is going to pay $2.50 for a gallon of gas to fill up their lawn mower? Okay, my neighbor who mows his lawn twice a week does, but he's got a job!

3. Buy your clothes at thrift shops. I'm not kidding. You can buy designer clothing at a fraction of the cost. So what if some rich lady wore the blouse once? It's clean, isn't it? And you also have the peace of mind that your meager purchase is going to help whatever charity that runs the store. And don't worry what the saleswoman thinks; she's most likely wearing clothes from the shop herself. And she has first pick!

Be creative and you, too, can come up with some great survival tactics for the unemployed.


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