Friday, June 17, 2005

Benefits of Being Self-Employed

In my last post, I wrote about the realities of self-employment. To show that I'm not a complete cynic, I'll list some of the major benefits of being self-employed in this post.

Benefit #1: You determine Your Own Success

How many times have you worked your butt off for an employer only to get passed over for promotion, receive a ridiculously small raise (if any) or get laid off? When you're self-employed, you enjoy the benefits of your hard work. There's no one else to take credit for what you do. You can boast about your accomplishments to the media, to prospective clients, and to your family, friends and neighbors. (Just don't overdo it, dude.) And you can reward yourself for your successes. Your former boss can keep his tacky awards and congratulatory speeches.

Benefit #2: You're the Decision Maker

You decide what projects you'll take on and which ones you'll pass on. If you have a client who is a regular pain in the ass, you can FIRE him. (Yes, it's true!) Just be sure you've got other clients so you can pay your bills.

You make all the decisions when it comes to buying computers and other equipment for your office. You don't have to justify anything to anyone. One of my biggest frustrations when I was employed was jumping through hoops to get software applications purchased and installed on my computer. Now I can buy what I need when I need it. (Uh, of course, I have to PAY for it myself and get the damn things fixed when they break, but we're focusing on benefits here.)

Benefit #3: Choose Your Own Title

When you own your business, you can give yourself whatever title you want. You're not restricted to owner, president, or CEO. You can call yourself the Big Cheese, Giant Head, Dictator, the Next Bill Gates or any other title that suits you. Just remember to put your title on your business cards and marketing materials so everybody will know you're a big shot.

Benefit #4: The Short Commute

If you're self-employed and work out of your home, the route to work usually consists of getting out of bed; going to the bathroom; entering the kitchen to make coffee and/or breakfast; stepping into your home office (still in your jammies) where your computer, phone and other technological tools of your trade await your command.

Now, I know some of you are sticklers when it comes to "getting ready for work" by going through the same morning ritual that you did when you were employed. The rest of us are creative types who can't wait to get to the computer. I don't need to be showered and dressed to check my e-mail or answer the phone.

Benefit #5: Work When You Want To

When you're self-employed, you can pretty much set your own hours unless you spend a lot of time traveling and visiting clients. Some people are more productive in the morning, others are in the evening. Some aren't productive at all, no matter how they're employed.)You can work at your own pace and even slip in a nap or a play date with the kids.

With all these benefits, why would anyone want to work for somebody else? (Well, there's the regular paycheck...)


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